What is Scala ?

  • Functional Programming (treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions and avoids state and mutable data)
  • Pure Object oriented
  • Supports Java Library / Framework Ecosystem
  • It cuts down on boilerplate, so programmers can concentrate on the logic of their problems. To get data from url : Source.fromURL(url, "UTF-8").mkString
  • It adds expressiveness, by tightly fusing object-oriented and functional programming concepts in one language.Functional vs Object Oriented Programming
  • It protects existing investments by running on the Java Virtual Machine and interoperating seamlessly with Java.

apply : Function is an Object with an apply method

Object Hello { 
def apply(s:String) = "Hello" + world} 
println (Hello("world"))

named : normal way of creating functions

def sum(x:Int,y:Int):Int = { x+y }

literal : Functions can be assigned to variable

val add_one = (x:Int) => x+1 

add_one(3) // 4 
// Turning existing functions into literals 

val p = print _  // _ is something like we dont actually whatsoever value is 
// if you want to restrict your params 

val add_one:(Int) => Int = (x) => x + 1  // defines that it takes int and returns Int 

Partial functions : not all parameters info is provided

val add_one = sum(1,_:Int) 
add_one(5) // gives 6

curried functions http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Currying

vall addition = (sum _).curried // applies arguments in a sequence 

Higher-order functions : functions that take functions as parameterhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higher-order_function

// twice(f, 7) = f(f(7)) = (7 + 3) + 3. 
def f(x): 

return x + 3 

def twice(function, x): 

return function(function(x)) 

print(twice(f, 7)) 

####Pattern Matching :

def matchTest(x: Int): String = x match { 
case 1 => "one" 
case 2 => "two" 
case _ => "many" 

whats the big deal ? . we can do the same with switch in java


Match on Class Instances

var play = sport("cricket") 

play match{ 

case sport("football") => println("im playing football") 

case sport("cricket") => println("im playing cricket") 

case sport(_) => println("im unsure") 

Match on Regular Expressions

// val vs var 

val cricket ="^c.*" 
val football = "^f.*" 

val sport = "cricket" 

sport match{ 

case cricket : pl("playing cricket") 

case football : pl("playing football") 

case _ : pl ("xxx") 


Scala Closures http://www.tutorialspoint.com/scala/scala_closures.htm

Object : object in scala is like the static portion of class in java. https://code.google.com/p/moviehub/source/browse/src/com/prashanth/test/MovieTesting.scala

Class http://www.tutorialspoint.com/scala/scala_classes_objects.htm


class Stack[T] 
private val list = new List [T] 
def pop : T ={ } 
def peek : T = { } 
Covariant +T   (Accepts any type that is sub class of T) 
Contravariant -T (Accepts any type that is super class of T)