Parse is a Mobile Backend as a Service. On 28 January 2016, Facebook announced that it will close down Parse. Microsoft announced a Parse Server on Azure Managed Services, as an easy way for developers to migrate from the soon-to-be-defunct Facebook service.

Below link has details on how to create a Parse server on Azure.

In this Blog, I would provide an overview of Developing Web and Mobile Applications using parse server while developing a sample application.

After creating the app following instructions at above link

  • To access Parse Dashboard, Navigate to below link and enter username/password from app service app settings APP_ID/MASTER_KEY https://<Your_APP_Name>

When you install a parse server from marketplace, It pulls the code from github and runs it on Azure App Services

Azure/parse-server-example @

Azure version of Parse Server would utilize below modules

  • parse-server-azure-push : To use Azure Notification Hub(send Push Notifications)
  • parse-server-azure-storage : To use Azure Storage (Stores Images and other)
  • parse-server-azure-config : Simplifies configuration of Parse Server on Azure Managed Services

I would create android/iOS app using react-native which uses parse-server hosted on Azure in below links.

  1. Create React-Native Application and Connect Parse Server - Link
  2. Send Push Notifications from Parse Server - (Coming soon)