Running React App in Azure App Service Linux with Continuous Deployment
React is a Javascript library for building User Interface. I had multiple requests to write this blog on best way to run SPA(Single page applications) at Azure App Service Linux.
Ghost v1.x on Azure App Service Linux
Ghost v1.0 was announced in July 2017. You can find more info about it @ In this blog, I would like to provide steps for running Ghost v1.x blog on App Service Linux.
Kotlin Basics and Installation Guide using Android Studio
What is Kotlin? Kotlin is JVM language. It is based on both object oriented and functional language.
Relay Docker Image tag to DockerFile during build phase
In Agile world, we started seeing many of the programming languages release a newer version of it every other week/month.
Benchmarking HTTP Server
Most engineers rarely perform HTTP Server Benchmarking before moving app to production and realize that their app is performing very slow after few months(under heavy load).
Playing Piano(Python App) in Azure App Service Linux
Azure App Service is a Paas solution to run Enterprise-grade Web Applications. Azure has recently announced App Services on Linux. It supports running web apps natively on Linux.
TensorFlow for Beginners
I have spent couple of hours on weekend to understand the concepts of tensorflow and would like to contribute in simplest form as most of the articles I read were too complicated and took me a while to understand.
Profile Python Applications in Azure App Services
Slow application performance issues tend to be challenging to troubleshoot regardless of the platform in which your application is running. This is due in great part to the sometimes random nature of these issues. These types of issues also often do not result in a specific error being logged.
(Deprecated) Running Python Code on Azure Functions App
Update 11/7/18
Getting started with React-Native App and Parse
React Native lets you build mobile apps using only JavaScript. With React Native, you don’t build a “mobile web app”, an “HTML5 app”, or a “hybrid app”. You build a real mobile app that’s indistinguishable from an app built using Objective-C or Java.