Parse on Azure
Parse is a Mobile Backend as a Service. On 28 January 2016, Facebook announced that it will close down Parse. Microsoft announced a Parse Server on Azure Managed Services, as an easy way for developers to migrate from the soon-to-be-defunct Facebook service.
Running Flask app with HttpPlatformHandler in Azure App Services
Flask is a micro web framework written in Python and based on the Werkzeug toolkit and Jinja2 template engine.
Installing native nodejs modules on Azure App Services during Git Deployment
Azure Source Control deployment process would involve below steps
- Moves content to azure web app
- Creates default deployment script, if there is no .deployment file in web app root folder
- Run’s deployment script. In case of a nodejs app it would do npm install here
Running Angular2 App on Azure App Services with CI and CD
Angular 2 is the next version of massively popular MV* framework(Angular) for building complex applications in the browser (and beyond).
Running Mean.js App on Azure App Services with Continuous Integration and Delivery
MEAN.JS is a full-stack JavaScript solution that helps you build fast, robust, and maintainable production web applications using MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js.
Running Perl app in Azure App Services Webapps on linux
Azure has recently announced App Services on Linux. It supports running web apps natively on Linux. You can quickly create an app following Link and setup continuous deployment to publish the app.
Install Python Modules on Azure App Services
Installing Python packages in Azure App Services is little tricky using pip. In this blog, I would provide best practice to do that.
Running Python Webjob on Azure App Services using non-default python version
You can run programs or scripts in WebJobs in your Azure App Service web app in three ways: on demand, continuously, or on a schedule. There is no additional cost to use WebJobs.
Running Docker on Azure VM
- Create Azure Ubuntu VM from portal
- Follow steps in below link to install docker on Linux VM
Django app with HttpPlatformHandler in Azure App Services (Windows)
In my previous blog Deploying Django App to Azure App Services using Git, I have provided detailed steps on how to run Django app in Azure App services using wfastcgi